We all know how important fitness is, but when life gets in the way, where can we find the time? Doesn’t every workout need to be super intense and last an hour to be effective? On this new episode, Dave and Chris dispel the myths about what you “need” to get an effective workout, laying out a more realistic and empowering model for OWNING your physical fitness. They tackle the “no pain no gain” mentality, fundamental movements every workout should include, and a more holistic approach that will keep you coming back for more, no matter what life throws at you.

In This Episode:

  • Why the “no pain no gain” mentality does NOT work long term and why just SHOWING UP is more important
  • If you think you NEED a gym to get a good workout in, listen to how Chris and Dave find success through SIMPLICITY and MOVEMENT
  • How to incorporate the “six fundamental human movements” into your workouts to MAXIMIZE your health and performance
  • The ONE mental shift that will transform your life OUTSIDE of the gym

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In a world full of entrepreneurs telling each other to scale their business because “that’s what you do”, can you choose a different path? How do you build a business that can SUSTAIN itself for years to come, escaping the rat race and guaranteeing you financial freedom and peace of mind? In this new episode, Dave and Chris lay out how to approach building, marketing, and leadership in your business to prioritize LONGEVITY, allowing its mission to carry on for years to come and give you the financial empowerment you deserve.

In This Episode:

  • If you want your marketing to CAPTIVATE readers, it has to do THIS first
  • Dave’s no-nonsense two-year strategy to start building a self-driving business TODAY
  • Why being the “flag bearer” of a brand is CRUCIAL for success, no matter its focus
  • Worried about moving on and leaving your business out to dry? Practice THESE lessons in leadership and communication to ensure your company’s longevity forever
  • Instead of scaling your business because “you should”, consider THIS option that will give you FREEDOM and peace of mind

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Claim your copy of the Done By Noon book: http://donebynoonbook.com/

When people imagine running an online business, the image of “relaxing by the beach, laptop in lap” often comes to mind. While that scenario isn’t impossible, it’s a bit of a fantasy. Growing a business, whether physical or virtual, requires hours of dedication and persistence. Success doesn’t happen overnight. An online business will present its own unique challenges, but as you’ll hear on today’s new episode, pushing through those difficulties will get you closer to living the life you want. Dave and Chris discuss what “overnight success” really means, how to utilize email and websites to foster engagement, and an actionable step-by-step guide to growing any kind of business.

In This Episode:

  • An “overnight success” takes YEARS 
  • Why EVERY business needs to be “online” in some capacity, especially with COVID
  • The advantages of an email list and website vs. social media
  • Why implementing a rigid schedule is CRITICAL to successfully running an online business
  • Dave’s concrete steps for developing a self-sufficient system

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Claim your copy of the Done By Noon book: http://donebynoonbook.com/

Imagine with me for a second: You open your email, see a message from a budding and gracious writer who wants to provide you “content” or “value”, and it seems all too familiar. You’ve seen this before, haven’t you? Someone reaching out to establish a “relationship”, but in reality, they’ll want something from you. So, in a world chock FULL of those emails, how do you find the genuine relationship that will last a lifetime, free of expectations? In this new episode, Dave and Chris differentiate between your business and “bros”, a foolproof checklist to test the health of a relationship, and the simple but TRUE definition of friendship.

In This Episode:

  • Use THIS simple gauge to know if your relationship is rock solid
  • Why you need to share values, NOT “value”, in your relationships
  • How to approach new people WITHOUT wanting something from them
  • If you only talk about THIS in a relationship, watch out!
  • What it means to have a colleague vs. your “bro”

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Claim your copy of the Done By Noon book: http://donebynoonbook.com/

When you read this episode’s title, what comes to mind? That Chris woke up one day, worked for 18 hours for the next four days, then made $48k? Chris did make $48k in four days, but the truth doesn’t stop there. In this new episode, Chris lays out everything that happened beforehand that made those four days possible. Chris and Dave discuss what it means to play an “infinite game”, why small but consistent progress is so powerful, and the ONE word that spells success.

In This Episode:

  • This ONE word is the KEY to achieving creative, financial, and time freedom
  • How Chris transformed his friendship into a golden opportunity
  • Why you need to play an “infinite game” to succeed long term
  • What it truly means to “show up” every single day

Connect with us:

Claim your copy of the Done By Noon book: http://donebynoonbook.com/

There’s so much talk about hustle and sacrifice, but where do YOU fit in? In a world of 80-hour work weeks and no salary, how do you create a routine that enriches your life AND grows your business at the same time? In this new episode, Dave and Chris list out the essential components of a self-care routine that puts YOU first. Before you can be an exceptional leader to others, you have to lead yourself.

In This Episode:

  • What Dave does FIRST THING in the morning that too many people overlook
  • Why practicing gratitude is the KEY to feeling fulfilled everyday
  • How Dave and Chris personalize their wellness to stay young forever
  • As long as you achieve THIS balance, you don’t need perfection

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