Let’s get honest here: Is it possible to have a fulfilling marriage while running a successful business? Contrary to what public breakups or other more cynical entrepreneurs may tell you, it is! However, that doesn’t mean it happens overnight. A marriage, just like anything worthwhile, requires patience and a commitment to show up every single day, no matter how hard it feels sometimes. On this new episode, Dave and Chris invite their wives on the show to discuss the ONE thing you need to keep aligned with each other to weather any storm, how to incorporate “couple time” no matter how busy you are, and THE MOST IMPORTANT WORD in any marriage or business. No one said this stuff was easy, but that means it’s worth it.

In This Episode:

  • What happens when the marriage doesn’t seem as happy and effortless as it did in the beginning? Martial struggles are VERY real, but if you remember to keep THIS aligned with each other, the storm clouds shall pass.
  • Every person’s parenting style is unique, but once you realize how THESE TWO people have a subconscious influence on your parenting even today, you’ll be able to make the choice between continuing old patterns or creating your own path.
  • When your lives get swept up in career and/or kids, it can be easy to forget the magic of spending “couple time” together. If you find yourself in this place, listen to THESE easy ways to incorporate couple time into your daily or weekly routine, totally customizable to YOUR life!
  • So, what’s the secret to marriage, entrepreneurship, health, and life in general? It comes down to this SINGLE word, and when those “for worse” moments happen, it’ll guide you to the other side.

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Ever felt like, in order to build your business, you had to make some tough sacrifices? If your body was one of them, you’re not alone. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the grind and forget about your fitness. However, as you’ll discover in this new episode, physical health is the key to everything else! Chris and Dave sit down with the owner of High Performance Founder, Dan Go, to discuss how Dan has helped dozens of entrepreneurs accelerate their profits AND quality of life through foundational healthy habits. Dan lays out the #1 WORST mistake that thousands of entrepreneurs make (and it’s not about their body), what fitness REALLY means to Dan, and the KEY to Dan’s (and his clients’) success.

In This Episode:

  • Dan breaks down the #1 WORST mistake entrepreneurs make for their health, but spoiler alert: It has NOTHING to do with their bodies.
  • Once you understand the “three parts of the mind”, you’ll have your “Aha!” moment and NEVER self-sabotage your progress again.
  • For Dan, what inspires him to be in shape is MUCH more than appearance or ego. If you nail down THIS in your life first, then taking care of yourself is a no-brainer.
  • Losing weight is about WAY more than a number on a scale. From scientific studies to business performance, Dan lays out why exercise is the KEY to success.

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Claim your copy of the Done By Noon book: http://donebynoonbook.com/