When winter comes, do you fight it or accept it? So many people find comfort in momentum, meaning that once one project is done, another takes its place. High energy and output has its place, but just like the seasons, they ebb and flow. So, when things need to slow down, how will you react? In this new episode, Dave and Chris share examples in their own lives about slowing down and taking time to just “be”. Dave talks about how he redefined the word “self-respect”, why you need Karine Ruel’s advice on how to disconnect from the noise every now and then, and this HUGE reason that Dave strives to have LESS control in his life.
In This Episode:
- Even if you crave to be busy all the time, hearing Dave’s story will show you WHY you need to redefine “self-respect” in a whole new way.
- Want to know how to “respect the seasons of life”? Take Karine Ruel’s advice and do THIS every so often to disconnect, regroup, and be aligned with EVERY part of yourself.
- The BIG reason Dave strives to have LESS control in his life and, instead of rationalizing everything with his brain, relies on THIS organ instead to guide him without always trying to know why.
- If your natural tendency is to always be in “Go!” mode, then you need to remember THIS core lesson about creativity and down time.
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